PREVIEW | J.J. McAVOY: Black Rainbow

Black Rainbow J.J. McAvoy
Rating: ★★★½☆
Editore NYLA
ISBN 9781625178794
Prezzo $ 3,99 ebook
Pagine 288
Uscita 15 may 2015
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J.J. McAvoy

“Lover. Professor. Lawyer.”

A sweet and steamy New Adult Romance fast-review-mediumfrom author of the bestselling Ruthless People series, J.J. McAvoy…

After an erotic one-week fling with a musician she meets in a bar, Thea Cunning never expects to see Levi Black again. Then Monday morning comes around, and she discovers that her former lover is not only her professor, but he’s also one of the top criminal lawyers in the state of Massachusetts.

With everyone in class vying to be one of the twelve disciples—a group of twelve students that Professor Black takes under his wing—tensions run high. Thea considers dropping his class, given their passionate week together and their undeniable chemistry. After all, there are other (less infuriatingly sexy) law professors on campus.

But to accomplish her goal and get her father out of prison, Thea knows she needs to learn under the best of the best—and that’s Levi Black.

But can she learn under the best, without being under the best?

JULIET MARILLIER: Wildwood Dancing – Wildwood #1

Una delle mie ultime, e davvero interessanti, letture è questo romanzo della favolosa Juliet Marillier. Il fatto che sia una bellissima storia, a metà fast-review-uptra favola e leggenda, non arriva per nulla a sorpresa. Juliet per me è sempre una conferma, fin da quando lessi il suo La Figlia della Foresta, pubblicato in Italia da Amenia, e i successivi Il Figlio delle Ombre e Il Figlio della Profezia. Sfortunatamente la serie (Wildwood) che al momento conta due romanzi, legati fra loro per via delle protagoniste sorelle, non è ancora stata tradotta in Italia.

Wildwood Dancing Juliet Marillier
Rating: ★★★★½
Editore MacMillan, RandomHouse
ISBN 9780375849442
Prezzo $ 7.00 ebook
$ 9.99 paperback
Pagine 407
Uscita 2007
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Wildwood Dancing
Juliet Marillier

Wildwood #1

High in the Transylvanian woods, at the castle Piscul Draculi, live five daughters and their doting father. It’s an idyllic life for Jena, the second eldest, who spends her time exploring the mysterious forest with her constant companion, a most unusual frog. But best by far is the castle’s hidden portal, known only to the sisters. Every Full Moon, they alone can pass through it into the enchanted world of the Other Kingdom. There they dance through the night with the fey creatures of this magical realm.
But their peace is shattered when Father falls ill and must go to the southern parts to recover, for that is when cousin Cezar arrives. Though he’s there to help the girls survive the brutal winter, Jena suspects he has darker motives in store. Meanwhile, Jena’s sister has fallen in love with a dangerous creature of the Other Kingdom–an impossible union it’s up to Jena to stop.
When Cezar’s grip of power begins to tighten, at stake is everything Jena loves: her home, her family, and the Other Kingdom she has come to cherish. To save her world, Jena will be tested in ways she can’t imagine–tests of trust, strength, and true love.

A beautiful legend that only Juliet Marillier could have weaved so magically. An incredible fable, full of adventure, love and that bit of darkness perfect for grown ups.

Some quotes from the book:

“I suppose the secret was not completely ours; Gogu knew. But even if frogs could talk, Gogu would never have told. Ever since I’d found him long ago, crouched all by himself in the forest, dazed and hurt, I had known I could trust him more than anyone else in the world.”

“It looked as if it had grown up out of the forest, with an assortment of bits and pieces sprouting from every corner: tiny turrets, long covered walkways, squat round towers, arches, and flagpoles.”

“At Full Moon, everything was different, everything was upside down and back to front. Doors opened that were closed on other days, and those whom the human world feared became friends. The Bright Between was a gateway: not a threat, but a promise.”

“Our cousin was not alone among the folk of the valley in his attitudes. There were those who believed the Other Kingdom to be a devilish place, full of presences out to destroy humankind. The margin of the wildwood was hedged about with crucifixes; the trees on its rim were thick with protective amulets.”

“That’s not really all you’re asking, Jena.” Tati turned her big eyes on me; their expression was cool now. “Anyway, you aren’t asking, are you? You’re telling. I can’t go through the portal if you won’t help open it. What you really want is that I never see Sorrow again. You think the moment I get up and dance with some fellow Aunt Bogdana’s dredged up for me, I’ll forget all about him. Well, I won’t. And I won’t go to your stupid party. You don’t understand.”

“The sun set beyond the colored windows four more times, and inside our chamber the stories went on. Not all were joyful tales; we needed to acknowledge that love was not just kisses, smiles, and fulfillment, but also sacrifice, compromise, and hard work.”

PREVIEW: Rock Hard by Nalini Singh – Rock Kiss series n.2

Evvai! Il tanto atteso secondo romanzo della serie Rock Kiss ha una sua copertina! …e nel post vi anticipo anche la trama e, per chi volesse avere un anticipazione della storia, anche il link ai primi due capitoli (sotto la cover) da leggere sul sito di Nalini Singh.
Questa volta, in realtà, non credo avremo molto a che fare con il rock. Infatti i protagonisti di questo libro sono la coppia Charlie (detta mouse) e Gabriel (detto T-Rex), già incontrati in Rock Addiction. Charlie -migliore amica di Molly, protagonista di Rock Addiction- è impiegata in una multinazionale di cui T-Rex è il nuovo aggressivo CEO (che per chi non lo sapesse sta per Chief Executive Officer ovvero Amministratore Delegato) e suo nuovo capo. Le premesse erano  già buone allora, mi auguro che il romanzo le confermi solamente.

YAY! A most anticipated cover reveal is finally here! The second book in the Rock Kiss series, Rock Hard, by Nalini Singh. The book will be out on march, 10th. Below you can read the blurb and find the link to a two chapter exerpt that the author has shared on her website.
This time, from what we can understand, there is not much rock in the book, seeing that the main characters are an employee (Charlie, the mouse) and a CEO (Gabriel, T-Rex) in a multinational. Nevertheless, I am sure that something will rock our world…or maybe someone with the nick-name of T-Rex? Anyway, I can’t wait!

 Rock Hard (Rock Kiss #2) by Nalini Singh
on the author website
Editore TKA Distribution
ISBN 9781942356059
Prezzo $ 4.99 ebook
$ 13.60 paperback
Pagine 351
Uscita 10 march 2015
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Rock Hard
Nalini Singh

Rock Kiss #2

Wealthy businessman Gabriel Bishop rules the boardroom with the same determination and ruthlessness that made him a rock star on the rugby field. He knows what he wants, and he’ll go after it no-holds-barred.

And what he wants is Charlotte Baird.

Charlotte knows she’s a mouse. Emotionally scarred and painfully shy, she just wants to do her job and remain as invisible as possible. But the new CEO—a brilliant, broad-shouldered T-Rex of a man who growls and storms through the office, leaving carnage in his wake—clearly has other plans. Plans that may be equal parts business and bedroom.

If Charlotte intends to survive this battle of wits and hearts, the mouse will have to learn to wrangle the T-Rex. Game on.

Il primo romanzo della serie e la novella che l’ha seguito:
Rock Addiction Rock Courtship

Preview: KATHLEEN BALDWIN, A School for Unusual Girls (Stranje House n.1)

Per gli amanti della serie di Gail Carriger, Finishing School, penso che questa nuova uscita per Tor Teen (maggio 2015), possa interessare non poco.

A School for Unusual Girls (Stranje House #1) by Kathleen Baldwin
Editore Tor Teen
ISBN 9780765376008
Prezzo $ 17.99 hardcover
$ 9.99 ebook
Pagine 352
Uscita 19 may 2015
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A School for Unusual Girls
Kathleen Baldwin

Stranje House #1

It’s 1814. Napoleon is exiled on Elba. Europe is in shambles. Britain is at war on four fronts. And Stranje House, a School for Unusual Girls, has become one of Regency England’s dark little secrets. The daughters of the beau monde who don’t fit high society’s constrictive mold are banished to Stranje House to be reformed into marriageable young ladies. Or so their parents think. In truth, Headmistress Emma Stranje, the original unusual girl, has plans for the young ladies—plans that entangle the girls in the dangerous world of spies, diplomacy, and war.

After accidentally setting her father’s stables on fire while performing a scientific experiment, Miss Georgiana Fitzwilliam is sent to Stranje House. But Georgie has no intention of being turned into a simpering, pudding-headed, marriageable miss. She plans to escape as soon as possible—until she meets Lord Sebastian Wyatt. Thrust together in a desperate mission to invent a new invisible ink for the English war effort, Georgie and Sebastian must find a way to work together without losing their heads—or their hearts…

KATHLEEN BALDWIN has written three award-winning traditional Regency romances for adults, including Lady Fiasco, winner of Cataromance’s Best Traditional Regency, and Mistaken Kiss, a Holt Medallion Finalist. She lives in Plano, Texas, with her family.