REVIEW | Christy CARLYLE: One Scandalous Kiss (Accidental Heirs #1)

 One Scandalous Kiss (Accidental Heirs #1) by Christy Carlyle
Rating: ★★★½☆
Publisher Avon Impulse
ISBN/ASIN 9780062428004
Prezzo € 1.99 ebook
€ 6.99 paperback
Pagine 432
Uscita 8 september 2015 ebook
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One Scandalous Kiss
Christy Carlyle

Accidental Heirs #1

When a scheming marquess’ daughter offers her one hundred pounds to publicly kiss a nobleman, a desperate Jessamin Wright agrees. She believes the money will save her failing bookstore and finally free her from her father’s debts. But when Jess bursts into an aristocratic party and shocks the entire ton, she never expects to enjoy the outrageous embrace she shares with a grim viscount.

Lucius Crawford, Viscount Grimsby, has never met, or kissed, anyone like the beautiful suffragette who unsettles him with a single touch. He has always strived for control and avoided passion at all costs. Lucius is determined to protect his title and restore the estate he’s unexpectedly inherited, but Jess’ appearance in his life poses a threat to his plans and his heart. After a country house party brings them together once more, neither can resist temptation, and both find that one scandalous kiss just isn’t enough.

Because of a kiss started for the wrongest of motives, Jess and Lucius find a true and profound love. (I cannot say I wouldn’t want a Lucius for myself…I do love the brooding types that smile only for me. 😉 )

This book is one of those you need to savor. It is slow paced and full of feelings. It’s also set in a period of which authors don’t write enough. Jessamin, in fact, is a suffragette who writes speeches for meetings and, at the same times, tries to make ends meet with a bookshop that her father has left heavily indebted because of his gambling addiction. When a Lady offers a hundred pounds for a stolen kiss to a Lord Grim(sby) because she feels rejected by him (in a childish and seflish way if you ask me) Jess, desperate to save the shop, rashly accepts… and in so doing starts a series of events to which no one would have thought.
I really enjoyed Christy Carlyle’s style of writing. I found it perfect for the time she is speaking about, “fluent” and rich. I liked all her characters too, the likeable ones and the ones not so much (I couldn’t stand his sister and I would have slapped her a time or two…or three XD). Even if the story is not perfect, many can say it is too slow, for me it was a very good “first read” from this new author. The perfect book to read when you want something that can soothe your mind and engage your feelings.

REVIEW | Tiffany CLARE: Desire Me Now (Desire Me, #1)

 Desire Me Now by Tiffany Clare - Avon Impulse
Rating: ★★★½☆
Publisher Avon Impulse
ISBN 9780062380425
Price $ 1.99 ebook
$ 4.99 paperback
Pages 288
Out 09 june 2015
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He charged out of the darkness to her rescue . . .
Amelia Grant has just escaped her lecherous employer with nothing but the clothes on her back. In the predawn hours of London, a horse and carriage come barreling down on her, and a stranger rushes to her aid, sweeping her off her feet . . .
There is something dark and dangerous about Nicholas Riley. With eyes gray like flint and hard as steel, he’s unusual … beautiful. The intensity behind his gaze makes her feel like the only person in the world. And then he whispers . . .
“I want your complete surrender.”

When I decided to read Desire Me Now I was expecting something more…errr…different (ok, kinky). Something that would go beyond the boundaries of the classic historical romance book. The cover made me think it would be more daring, an erotic romance with, maybe, some BDSM in the mix. Instead I found a classic historical romance set in 1881. I’m not saying that it’s boring or bad written or insipid. Desire Me Now is a well written, interesting and probably more sexy than the average story but there isn’t really much difference from other books of the same genre. That said, in the whole I really enjoied the book.
Speaking of the MCs. I liked Nick, he is a very good male character for a romance book. He is sexy and with that bit of dark past and rough appearance that makes your heart bit faster. However, sometimes I felt like he went from rascal to committed too fast. Amelia too is a good character, she was more in line with her behavior but for me she too surrendered to his seduction without putting up much of a fight (ok, I wouldn’t make him work too much for it too…he could well be everyones dream man, you know). Anyway.
The book ends with a bit of a cliffhanger because Amelia and Nick story is far from closed. Many things are still open and if you don’t like to read a book without a proper ending maybe it is better if you wait november when the third and (I hope…because I want to know how it ends not because it’s not good) last part of this series will be out.

The next books in the series:
 Desire Me More (Desire Me #2) by Tiffany Clare  Desire Me Always (Desire Me #3) by Tiffany Clare

PREVIEW | Kresley COLE: Il professionista (The Game Maker #1)

Esce oggi in libreria la versione cartacea de Il Professionista, romanzo pubblicato inizialmente in tre parti solo in ebook. The Professional è il primo di una trilogia e si posiziona nel genere rosa erotico con componente S/M (non è quindi per i deboli di cuore ;)). Avendolo già letto posso dire che non è male, anche se credo abbia un pò risentito del fatto che pure negli USA è stato pubblicato in parti e non in un unico romanzo. Il secondo romanzo della serie, The Master, che ha per protagonista il fratello di Alek, mi è invece piaciuto molto molto di più. Vi ricordo che Kresley Cole è anche l’autrice della serie paranormal romance Immortal After Dark.

Il Professionista di Kresley Cole (The Game Maker 1)
Rating: ★★★½☆
Editore Leggereditore
ISBN 9788865085912
Prezzo € 14.00 brossura
3 ebook a € 2.99 l’uno
Pagine 400
Uscita 28 maggio 2015
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Il professionista
Kresley Cole


The Game Maker #1

Aleksandr Sevastyan, uomo d’azione della mafia russa conosciuto come “il Siberiano”, ha giurato eterna fedeltà al suo boss. La sua missione ora è trovare e proteggere Natalie, la figlia del capo, ma la ragazza non è l’ingenua studentessa che pensava di trovarsi di fronte. Avvolta da una nube di capelli rossi e sfacciata sensualità, Natalie tormenta i pensieri del freddo Aleksandr fino a fargli perdere il controllo.
Anche la ragazza è scossa dall’incontro con il Siberiano e non può resistere al suo fascino mozzafiato. Insieme partono per la Russia, dove sperimenteranno una vita di lussuria e perdizione e un’intesa che li porterà al di là delle loro più audaci fantasie.
Ma i rivali del boss vogliono Natalie morta e i due fuggitivi sono costretti a nascondersi in una Parigi affascinante e decadente, lo scenario ideale per i loro desideri inconfessabili…

Sesso, pericolo e tensione, per una storia che oltrepassa i limiti del proibito.

Kresley Cole ha esordito nel 2003 con The Captain of All Pleasures, e da allora ha pubblicato più di quindici romanzi che fanno capo alla fortunatissima serie dei Fratelli MacCarrick, una trilogia di romantic novel a sfondo storico incentrata sulla vita degli Highlander, e alla serie Gli Immortali, insignita del premio RITA. Le sue opere sono state tradotte in più di dieci Paesi; oggi l’autrice vive in Florida, con il marito e i loro cani. Per Leggereditore sono usciti i primi dieci romanzi della serie Gli Immortali, che hanno riscosso uno strepitoso successo: Dark Love, Dark Pleasure, Dark Passion, Dark Night, Dark Desire, Dark Dream, Dark Whisper, Dark Prince, Dark Demon e Dark Warrior.

PREVIEW | KYLIE SCOTT: Tutto in una sola notte – Stage Dive #1

La festa dei 21 annifast-review-medium
Una notte brava a Las Vegas
E se ti risvegliassi con un gran mal di testa e un anello al dito?

KYLIE SCOTT: Tutto in una sola notte
Rating: ★★★½☆
Editore Newton Compton
ISBN 9788854174689
Prezzo € 9.90 rilegato
€ 4.99 ebook
Pagine 320
Uscita 30 aprile 2015
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Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

Tutto in una sola notte
Kylie Scott

The Lick Series n.1 (Stage Dive)

I piani di Evelyn Thomas per festeggiare il suo ventunesimo compleanno a Las Vegas erano grandiosi. Non aveva certo previsto di svegliarsi sul pavimento del bagno della sua stanza d’hotel, con i postumi di una sbornia madornale e un uomo tatuato, seminudo e molto attraente accanto ad assisterla. E, ciliegina sulla torta, un diamante al dito grande abbastanza da spaventare. Se solo riuscisse a ricordarsi come tutto ciò possa essere accaduto, sarebbe già qualcosa… Lui si ricorda tutto, invece: si chiama David, è il chitarrista di una rock band di successo, gli Stage Dive, e da meno di dodici ore pare sia il marito di Evelyn. E adesso? Che fare? E se non si fosse trattato solo di un errore dovuto ai fumi dell’alcol?

Kylie Scott: Autrice bestseller del «New York Times» e «USA Today», è da sempre appassionata di storie d’amore, rock’n roll e film horror di serie B. Vive nel Queensland, in Australia, legge, scrive e non perde troppo tempo su internet. Per saperne di più su di lei,

Lick Link - Stage Dive book 1

Waking up in Vegas was never meant to be like this.
Evelyn Thomas’s plans for celebrating her twenty-first birthday in Las Vegas were big. Huge. But she sure never meant to wake up on the bathroom floor with a hangover to rival the black plague, a very attractive half-naked tattooed man in her room, and a diamond on her finger large enough to scare King Kong. Now if she could just remember how it all happened.
One thing is certain, being married to one of the hottest rock stars on the planet is sure to be a wild ride.