PREVIEW | Colleen Hoover: Forse un giorno – Maybe #1

Colline Hoover torna in Italia con una delle sue ultime opere New Adult, Maybe Someday, grazie a Leggereditore… che della stessa17788403 autrice ha già pubblicato Le coincidenze dell’amore e Sintonie dell’amore . Per il momento il libro è acquistabile solo in ebook a 4.99€, nei principali store online ma presto uscirà anche in versione cartacea.
Maybe Someday ha avuto un deciso successo in America (come praticamente tutti i romanzi di questa autrice, in effetti) dove l’uscita è andata a braccetto con quella di un CD di canzoni, una playlist che segue la storia del romanzo, scritte ed interpretate dal musicista Griffin Peterson. Potete ascoltarle qui

 colleen hoover-forse-un-giorno
Editore Leggereditore
ISBN 9788865086001
Prezzo € 4.99 ebook
€ 9.90 brossura
Pagine 384
Uscita 19 febbraio 2015 ebook
2 aprile 2015 brossura
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MondadoriStore |
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

Forse un giorno
Colleen Hoover

Maybe #1

Sydney Blake, un’aspirante musicista di vent’anni, ha una vita invidiabile: frequenta il college, ha un buon lavoro, è innamorata del suo meraviglioso ragazzo Hunter e convive con la sua migliore amica Tori. Ma tutto cambia quando scopre che Hunter la tradisce con Tori. Ora Sydney deve decidere che ne sarà della sua vita.

È attratta da Ridge Lawson, il suo misterioso vicino. Non può staccargli gli occhi di dosso e non può fare a meno di starsene ad ascoltarlo mentre suona la chitarra sul balcone della sua stanza. La sua musica le dà armonia e vibrazioni. E anche Ridge non può far finta di ignorare che c’è qualcosa in Sydney: a quanto pare, ha trovato la sua musa. Quando, finalmente, si incontrano, scoprono di avere bisogno l’uno dell’altra…

Dall’autrice bestseller del New York Times Colleen Hoover, un’appassionata storia di amicizia, tradimento e romanticismo, sulle note di una musica che ispira una giovane donna e la aiuta a raccogliere i pezzi della propria vita.

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Colleen Hoover, a passionate tale of friendship, betrayal, and romance.
At twenty-two years old, Sydney has a great life: She’s in college, working a steady job, in love with her wonderful boyfriend, Hunter, and rooming with her best friend, Tori. But everything changes when she discovers Hunter’s cheating on her–and she is left trying to decide what to do next.
Sydney becomes captivated by Ridge, her mysterious neighbor. She can’t take her eyes off him or stop listening to the passionate way he plays his guitar every evening out on his balcony. And there’s something about Sydney that Ridge can’t ignore, either. When their inevitable encounter happens, they soon find themselves needing each other in more ways than one…
Original music created for Maybe Someday by musician Griffin Peterson can be accessed through the website listed in the ebook and paperback.

ELIZABETH BRIGGS: More Than Music (Chasing the Dream, 1)

Ultima lettura, fresca fresca di questi giorni, è questo carinissimo romanzo -More Than Music– dell’autrice americana esordiente Elizabeth Briggs. More Than Music è un romanzo New Adult il cui elemento distintivo è la musica. E’ il primo di una tetralogia (o almeno l’autrice ne ha indicati quattro) chiamata Chasing the Dream che fa chiaramente capire che ogni romanzo è incentrato sull’idea del “rincorrere i propri sogni” e, infine, realizzarli. fast-review-upComethe-sound nel passato abbiamo visto NA ambientati in college vari, con protagonisti tattoo artist o fighters in incontri clandestini, MTM ha quindi come personaggi dei musicisti. Fortunatamente non è ambientato in un college (idea che ha un po stufato, non so voi) bensì segue questo gruppo di ragazzi durante il music reality show The Sound (praticamente The Voice, ma con alcune varianti). Quindi More Tha Music è il romanzo adatto a chi ama storie romantiche, leggere, con tanta musica, riferimenti geek.. ma sopratutto per tutti coloro che amano reality come The Voice o X-Factor
La storia non ha grossi sbalzi umorali da melodramma (e questo può essere sia una nota positiva che negativa), viaggia infatti su una nota piuttosto lineare e piacevole…questo non vuol dire comunque che non ci sono conflitti, incomprensioni e rappacificamenti. Perché ci sono eccome. Sia Maddy che Jared sono, famiglia(rmente) parlando, abbastanza comuni del genere NA…ma riescono in media a tenere il passo. Sono poi molto interessanti anche i personaggi secondari, che hanno e avranno tutti un posto nella serie Chasing the Dream, ognuno con la propria storia. Se foste curiosi di leggere un estratto del romanzo, potete trovarne un pezzetto sul sito dell’autrice.

Below, review in english.

More Than Music (Chasing the Dream #1) by Elizabeth Briggs
Rating: ★★★★☆
Editore Elizabeth Briggs
ISBN 9781499607994
Prezzo $ 10.70 paperback
$ 2.95 ebook kindle
Pagine 311
Uscita 10 giugno 2014
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Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads


Music major Maddie Taylor just finished her junior year of college and has a summer internship lined up with the LA Philharmonic, yet every night she practices guitar and secretly dreams of a louder life. But geeky girls like her don’t get to be rock stars. That is, until tattooed singer Jared Cross catches her playing guitar and invites her to join his band on The Sound, a reality TV show competition.

Once on the show, Maddie discovers there’s more to Jared than his flirty smile and bad boy reputation – and that he’s just as big a geek as she is. With each performance their attraction becomes impossible to ignore, but when the show pressures them to stay single they’re forced to keep their relationship secret.

As the competition heats up, Jared will do whatever it takes for his band to win, and Maddie must decide if following her dream is worth losing her heart.


villain-complex-logoMaddie Taylor, specializzanda in musica, ha appena finito il suo primo anno di college e sta per partecipare ad uno stage estivo alla Filarmonica di Los Angeles. Ma ogni notte si esercita con la sua chitarra e segretamente sogna una vita più…intensa. Ma le ragazze geek come lei non diventano rock star. O almeno… non fino a quando il cantante dei Villain Complex, Jared Cross, la sorprende a suonare la chitarra e la invita a unirsi alla sua band in The Sound, un reality show televisivo.
Una volta nello show, Maddie scopre che c’è molto più in Jared del sorriso accattivante e la reputazione da bad boy – e che è un altrettanto grande geek quanto lei. Con ogni esibizione la loro attrazione diventa impossibile da ignorare, ma quando quelli dello show fanno loro pressioni per rimanere single, sono costretti a tenere segreta la loro relazione.
Man mano che la competizione si fa intensa, Jared farà di tutto perché la sua band vinca… e Maddie dovrà decidere se per inseguire il suo sogno vale la pena perdere il proprio cuore.




More Than Music is the last New Adult romance novel I’ve discovered…a book that I decided to read straight away after netgalley and the publisher gave it to me (and I can assure you it’s not a common occurrence for me). Hovewer that cover was calling me and who am I to not answer it?
Written by Elizabeth Briggs, it is the first book in a tetralogy (or at the moment goodreads is showing four books…plus some short novellas) called Chasing the Dream.
In the past we have seen NA set in colleges, starring tattoo artist or fighters. MTM is nothing of the sort. It is not set in a college (fortunately, I’m just a bit sick of reading constantly the same things) and, even though some of the characters have tattoos (you know, a tattoo is always cool so a character without one is not…I don’t know…right XD), they are …drumroll…. part of a rock band! And what with their name, Villain Complex? Chapeau to Elizabeth for this. 😉
Anyway, music was the reason that drew me to read this book in the first place and I was hoping for a good change for once. The author didn’t make me regret my choice. In fact, what I didn’t expect was to be so intrigued by the setting, the music reality competition The Sound (practically The Voice, but with some variations).
However the book is not about The Sound but it’s about the birth of a new love, the discovery of yourself and fighting for your dreams.
Jared is the lead singer of Villain Complex and brother of Kyle (keyboardist for the group and main character in More Than Exes, short novella that is set just before MTM) who is also friend to Maddie, a classic musician who, at night, dreams of becoming a rock guitarist.
When Jared and Maddie finally meet in a sort of embarassing Maddie-guitar-revelation/obsession-to-Jared-music something intriguing sparks between the two. Moreover, when the bassist of the group leave the Villain Complex, Jared decides that Maddie can definitely take her place…and join the band in The Sound competition.
But the real show has just begun because when dreams are becoming true you’ll do anything to reach them even if doing so will destroy something more precious.


PREVIEW: Hero by Samantha Young


Dall’autrice di On Dublin Street (Sei bellissima stasera pubblicato da Mondadori), romanzo del 2012 che mi piacque molto, arriva una nuova interessante storia d’amore, anche questa volta dalle premesse molto originali…
Per chi fosse interessato, sul sito di Samantha Young, è aperto un giveaway internazionale, fino al 21 gennaio, per vincere 10 copie di Hero.

Hero di Samantha Young
Editore Penguin
ISBN 9780451475602
Prezzo $ 15.00 paperback
$ 3.99 ebook
Pagine 416
Uscita  3 february 2015
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inMondadori |
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

Samantha Young

Alexa Holland’s father was her hero—until her shocking discovery that her mother and she weren’t his only family. Ever since, Alexa has worked to turn her life in a different direction and forge her own identity outside of his terrible secrets. But when she meets a man who’s as damaged by her father’s mistakes as she is, Alexa must help him. Caine Carraway wants nothing to do with Alexa’s efforts at redemption, but it’s not so easy to push her away. Determined to make her hate him, he brings her to the edge of her patience and waits for her to walk away. But his actions only draw them together and, despite the odds, they begin an intense and explosive affair. Only Caine knows he can never be the white knight that Alexa has always longed for. And when they’re on the precipice of danger, he finds he’ll do anything to protect either one of them from being hurt again…

AMY HARMON: The Law of Moses

Dall’autrice di quel bellissimo romanzo che è I cento colori del blu (A Different Blue) (pubblicato da Newton Compton agli inizi del 2014), di cui trovate la mia recensione QUI, è uscito a novembre l’ultimo romanzo intitolato The Law of Moses che già dalle premesse sembra essere un altro toccante racconto di vita vera, difficoltà, rivincite e amore.

The Law of Moses May Harmon
Rating: ★★★★☆
Editore selfpublish
ISBN 9781311562586
Pagine 298
Prezzo € 3.30 ebook kindle
€3.96 ebook epub
Uscita 27 novembre 2014
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inMondadori |
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

If I tell you right up front, right in the beginning that I lost him, it will be easier for you to bear. You will know it’s coming, and it will hurt. But you’ll be able to prepare.

Someone found him in a laundry basket at the Quick Wash, wrapped in a towel, a few hours old and fast-review-upclose to death. They called him Baby Moses when they shared his story on the ten o’clock news – the little baby left in a basket at a dingy Laundromat, born to a crack addict and expected to have all sorts of problems. I imagined the crack baby, Moses, having a giant crack that ran down his body, like he’d been broken at birth. I knew that wasn’t what the term meant, but the image stuck in my mind. Maybe the fact that he was broken drew me to him from the start.

It all happened before I was born, and by the time I met Moses and my mom told me all about him, the story was old news and nobody wanted anything to do with him. People love babies, even sick babies. Even crack babies. But babies grow up to be kids, and kids grow up to be teenagers. Nobody wants a messed up teenager.

And Moses was messed up. Moses was a law unto himself. But he was also strange and exotic and beautiful. To be with him would change my life in ways I could never have imagined. Maybe I should have stayed away. Maybe I should have listened. My mother warned me. Even Moses warned me. But I didn’t stay away.

And so begins a story of pain and promise, of heartache and healing, of life and death. A story of before and after, of new beginnings and never-endings. But most of all…a love story.