NOW OUT | Amy HARMON: The Bird and the Sword

The new book we were all waiting for is finally out! The Bird and the Sword by Amy Harmon is a newbie for this author who has never written a fantasy novel before. People are already saying it’s a great story but I didn’t doubt Amy for one second because Amy Harmon is always Amy Harmon and she never lets her fans down. 😉

 The Bird and the Sword by Amy Harmon
Editore SelfPublish
ISBN 9781533134134
Pagine 352
Prezzo $ 3.99 ebook
$ 13.99 brossura
Uscita 06 may 2016
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MondadoriStore | Smashwords
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

The Bird and the Sword
Amy Harmon

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Swallow, daughter, pull them in, those words that sit upon your lips. Lock them deep inside your soul, hide them ‘til they’ve time to grow. Close your mouth upon the power, curse not, cure not, ‘til the hour. You won’t speak and you won’t tell, you won’t call on heaven or hell. You will learn and you will thrive. Silence, daughter. Stay alive.
The day my mother was killed, she told my father I wouldn’t speak again, and she told him if I died, he would die too. Then she predicted the king would sell his soul and lose his son to the sky.
My father has a claim to the throne, and he is waiting in the shadows for all of my mother’s words to come to pass. He wants desperately to be king, and I just want to be free.
But freedom will require escape, and I’m a prisoner of my mother’s curse and my father’s greed. I can’t speak or make a sound, and I can’t wield a sword or beguile a king. In a land purged of enchantment, love might be the only magic left, and who could ever love . . . a bird?

Amy Harmon is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and New York Times Bestselling author. Amy knew at an early age that writing was something she wanted to do, and she divided her time between writing songs and stories as she grew. Having grown up in the middle of wheat fields without a television, with only her books and her siblings to entertain her, she developed a strong sense of what made a good story. Her books are now being published in several countries, truly a dream come true for a little country girl from Levan, Utah.

Amy Harmon has written eight novels – including the USA Today Bestsellers, Making Faces and Running Barefoot, as well as The Law of Moses, Infinity + One and the New York Times Bestseller, A Different Blue. Her newest release, The Law of Moses, is now available. For updates on upcoming book releases, author posts and more, join Amy at

PREVIEW | Amy HARMON: The Song of David

Come chi mi segue ormai sa, Amy Harmon è un’autrice tra le mie preferite perchè sa sempre scrivere storie fuori dagli schemi. Con veri sentimenti, veri personaggi. Non storielle leggere, niente di semplice o scontato.
Qualche mese fa vi ho parlato dell’ultimo romanzo che al tempo stava per uscire, The Law of Moses (per ora inedito in Italia), che insieme ad A different Blue (I cento colori del blu, qui la mia review) sono tra i miei preferiti. Oggi vi invito invece a segnarvi la nuova fatica, The Song of David, in uscita il 15 giungo 2015. Questo romanzo vede David “Tag” Taggert, amico di Moses e quindi personaggio che si conosce per la prima volta in The Law of Moses.

The Song of David by Amy Harmon
Editore selfpublish
Pagine 261
Prezzo $ 4.03 ebook kindle
$ 3.99 ebook epub
Uscita 15 june 2015
Acquista | Amazon |
inMondadori | Barnes&Noble
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

The Song of David
Amy Harmon

She said I was like a song. Her favorite song. A song isn’t something you can see. It’s something you feel, something you move to, something that disappears after the last note is played.

I won my first fight when I was eleven years old, and I’ve been throwing punches ever since. Fighting is the purest, truest, most elemental thing there is. Some people describe heaven as a sea of unending white. Where choirs sing and loved ones await. But for me, heaven was something else. It sounded like the bell at the beginning of a round, it tasted like adrenaline, it burned like sweat in my eyes and fire in my belly. It looked like the blur of screaming crowds and an opponent who wanted my blood.

For me, heaven was the octagon.

Until I met Millie, and heaven became something different. I became something different. I knew I loved her when I watched her stand perfectly still in the middle of a crowded room, people swarming, buzzing, slipping around her, her straight dancer’s posture unyielding, her chin high, her hands loose at her sides. No one seemed to see her at all, except for the few who squeezed past her, tossing exasperated looks at her unsmiling face. When they realized she wasn’t normal, they hurried away. Why was it that no one saw her, yet she was the first thing I saw?

If heaven was the octagon, then she was my angel at the center of it all, the girl with the power to take me down and lift me up again. The girl I wanted to fight for, the girl I wanted to claim. The girl who taught me that sometimes the biggest heroes go unsung and the most important battles are the ones we don’t think we can win.

**This is David ‘Tag” Taggert’s book, a supporting character introduced in The Law of Moses. This is a stand-alone story.

PREVIEW | Amy Harmon: Sei il mio sole anche di notte (Making Faces)

Dall’autrice di I cento colori del blu (A different Blue), ecco un nuovo romanzo New Adult sempre unico e intenso. Dal 19 marzo, per Newton Compton Editori, l’ebook sarà acquistabile in tutti gli store a 4.99€.
Se c’è un’autrice che non mi delude mai è Amy Harmon. Le sue sono sempre storie uniche e sofferte. Con protagonisti mai banali o semplici.

Sei il mio sole anche di notte di Amy Harmon Making Faces
Rating: ★★★★☆
Editore Newton Compton
ISBN 9788854176690
Prezzo € 4.99 ebook
€ 9.90 copertina rigida
Pagine 320
Uscita 19 marzo 2015
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Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

Sei il mio sole anche di notte
Amy Harmon

Dall’autrice bestseller del New York Times e di USA Today, un nuovo romanzo toccante e romantico.

Ambrose Young è bellissimo, alto, muscoloso, con lunghi capelli che gli arrivano alle spalle e uno sguardo che brucia di desiderio. Ma è davvero troppo per una come Fern Taylor. Lui è perfetto, il classico protagonista di quei romanzi d’amore che Fern legge fin da quando era solo una ragazzina. E lei sa bene che un ragazzo così non la considera neppure… Partito per la guerra dalla piccola cittadina di provincia in cui i due giovani sono cresciuti, Ambrose tornerà trasformato dalla sua esperienza in prima linea: è sfigurato nei lineamenti e profondamente ferito nell’anima. Fern riuscirà ad amarlo anche se non è più bello come prima? Sarà in grado di conquistarlo? Saprà curarlo e ridargli la fiducia in sé?
Versione moderna de La bella e la bestia, il nuovo romanzo di Amy Harmon – dopo il grande successo di I cento colori del blu – ci dimostra che in ognuno di noi convivono una parte mostruosa e una meravigliosa creatura.

Una versione moderna della Bella e la bestia

Gli altri romanzi di cui ho parlato sul blog:
The Law of Moses May Harmon

AMY HARMON: The Law of Moses

Dall’autrice di quel bellissimo romanzo che è I cento colori del blu (A Different Blue) (pubblicato da Newton Compton agli inizi del 2014), di cui trovate la mia recensione QUI, è uscito a novembre l’ultimo romanzo intitolato The Law of Moses che già dalle premesse sembra essere un altro toccante racconto di vita vera, difficoltà, rivincite e amore.

The Law of Moses May Harmon
Rating: ★★★★☆
Editore selfpublish
ISBN 9781311562586
Pagine 298
Prezzo € 3.30 ebook kindle
€3.96 ebook epub
Uscita 27 novembre 2014
Acquista | |
inMondadori |
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

If I tell you right up front, right in the beginning that I lost him, it will be easier for you to bear. You will know it’s coming, and it will hurt. But you’ll be able to prepare.

Someone found him in a laundry basket at the Quick Wash, wrapped in a towel, a few hours old and fast-review-upclose to death. They called him Baby Moses when they shared his story on the ten o’clock news – the little baby left in a basket at a dingy Laundromat, born to a crack addict and expected to have all sorts of problems. I imagined the crack baby, Moses, having a giant crack that ran down his body, like he’d been broken at birth. I knew that wasn’t what the term meant, but the image stuck in my mind. Maybe the fact that he was broken drew me to him from the start.

It all happened before I was born, and by the time I met Moses and my mom told me all about him, the story was old news and nobody wanted anything to do with him. People love babies, even sick babies. Even crack babies. But babies grow up to be kids, and kids grow up to be teenagers. Nobody wants a messed up teenager.

And Moses was messed up. Moses was a law unto himself. But he was also strange and exotic and beautiful. To be with him would change my life in ways I could never have imagined. Maybe I should have stayed away. Maybe I should have listened. My mother warned me. Even Moses warned me. But I didn’t stay away.

And so begins a story of pain and promise, of heartache and healing, of life and death. A story of before and after, of new beginnings and never-endings. But most of all…a love story.