TOR Publishing and its gripping covers

Every time TOR newsletter lands in my inbox, it’s a given I’ll have candy for my eyes. This month is no exception with these beautiful and original covers and very interesting plots. I don’t know you but I have, at least, two new authors to read now. 😉


TOR Publishing | 9780765387684
$ 3.00 | 144 pages

The Drowning Eyes by Emily Foster

READ an EXCERPT | Amazon

When the Dragon Ships began to tear through the trade lanes and ravage coastal towns, the hopes of the arichipelago turned to the Windspeakers on Tash. The solemn weather-shapers with their eyes of stone can steal the breeze from raiders’ sails and save the islands from their wrath. But the Windspeakers’ magic has been stolen, and only their young apprentice Shina can bring their power back and save her people.
Tazir has seen more than her share of storms and pirates in her many years as captain, and she’s not much interested in getting involved in the affairs of Windspeakers and Dragon Ships. Shina’s caught her eye, but that might not be enough to convince the grizzled sailor to risk her ship, her crew, and her neck.

“The Drowning Eyes is a magic- and wind-filled adventure, peopled with excellent and strong characters. The story made me want to sail the coastline on a boat of my own and see if I could call up a storm. In Emily Foster’s debut novella, apprentice Windspeaker Shina must return her people’s power to them before the Dragon Ships destroy everything . . . unless Shina destroys it by accident first. So vividly rendered, you’ll be tempted to wash the salt-spray from your clothing after reading The Drowning Eyes.” – Fran Wilde, author of Updraft


TOR Publishing | 9780765387776
$ 3.00 ebook | 138 pages

Patchwerk by David Tallerman


Fleeing the city of New York on the TransContinental atmospheric transport vehicle, Dran Florrian is traveling with Palimpsest—the ultimate proof of a lifetime of scientific theorizing.
When a rogue organization attempts to steal the device, however, Dran takes drastic action.
But his invention threatens to destroy the very fabric of this and all other possible universes, unless Dran—or someone very much like him—can shut down the machine and reverse the process.

Praise for Patchwerk
“Tallerman (the Tales of Easie Damasco comic fantasy series) deftly pulls his characters through multiple quick changes in identity, location, and possible futures, always keeping the plot and action unbroken so the dizzying shifts never become confusing. He throws open a surreal and suspenseful hall of science fiction mirrors, and readers will enjoy watching Florrian smash through them all.” — Publishers Weekly


TOR Publishing | 9780765387783
$ 3.00 ebook | 244 pages

Lustlocked by Matt Wallace

Sin du Jour #2 | READ an EXCERPT | Amazon

The staff of New York’s premier supernatural catering company, has their work cut out for them in this outrageous follow-up to Envy of Angels.
Love is in the air at Sin du Jour.
The Goblin King (yes, that one) and his Queen are celebrating the marriage of their son to his human bride. Naturally the celebrations will be legendary.
But when desire and magic mix, the results can be unpredictable.
Our heroes are going to need more than passion for the job to survive the catering event of the decade!

Praise for Sin du Jour:
“Funny and demented . . . I’ll read anything this guy writes.”
Chuck Wendig, author of Blackbirds and Zer0es, on Envy of Angels

“No one makes me think, ‘Dammit, I should have thought of that!’ like Matt Wallace. The Sin du Jour series is something I read with equal amounts of envy and delight.”
Mur Lafferty, Campbell Award winning author of The Shambling Guide to New York City

REVIEW | Jennifer Foehner WELLS: Fluency (Confluence #1)

Fulency by Jennifer Foehner Wells is an interesting sci-fi that tells a very realistic scenario
of what could happen if a ship was discovered around Earth space…

Fluency (Confluence #1) by Jennifer Foehner Wells
Rating: ★★★½☆
Editore Blue Bedlam Books
ISBN 9780990479819
Pagine 376
Prezzo € 12.48 paperback
€ 4.49 kindle
Uscita 25th june 2014
Acquista Amazon | MondadoriStore
Recensioni Goodreads

Jennifer Foehner Wells

Confluence #1

NASA discovered the alien ship lurking in the asteroid belt in the 1960s. They kept the Target under intense surveillance for decades, letting the public believe they were exploring the solar system, while they worked feverishly to refine the technology needed to reach it.
The ship itself remained silent, drifting.
Dr. Jane Holloway is content documenting nearly-extinct languages and had never contemplated becoming an astronaut. But when NASA recruits her to join a team of military scientists for an expedition to the Target, it’s an adventure she can’t refuse.
The ship isn’t vacant, as they presumed.
A disembodied voice rumbles inside Jane’s head, “You are home.”
Jane fights the growing doubts of her colleagues as she attempts to decipher what the alien wants from her. As the derelict ship devolves into chaos and the crew gets cut off from their escape route, Jane must decide if she can trust the alien’s help to survive.


An interesting sci-fi that tells a very realistic scenario of what could happen if a ship was discovered around Earth space. In this book the author has recreated the mood of many sci-fi movies, fortunately without using the panic card where humans go on a rampage of fear. Instead she went with the adventurous feel of an exploratory group of people in a first contact mission. Yeah, obviously the government as its own ideas considering that they are sending a goup of people on an unknown “dead” alien ship…they are not prepared for what can happen once on board, even if the majority is military trained. They can only think about different possibilities and make plans accordingly… translated? a plan B is always a good idea. Still, as you can imagine, it doesn’t take much for things to get complicated.
The MCs are the truly interesting and original part of the book. Dr. Jane Holloway is a linguist who can learn quickly new languages and because of that is asked to join the expedition. The author doesn’t really explain how Jane’s abilieties came to be but it’s also true that in the world there are many things that can’t be explained (I don’t know if I like this but it’s a fact). I liked quite a lot the mental relationship between her and the alien creature. It’s a link that grows slowly but steadily during the book and makes possible for the reader to know Jane’s mind (and not only her actions) and the alien as well. However I have to say my favourite part was at the end, where the true adventure is starting. Infact, the rest of the story was a bit too slow…things seemed to go nowhere for a while. Now we have to wait for the next book in the series to discover if the promise of a great adventure in the space will come to fruition.

Books I’m waiting for…2016

The year is almost finished so for me it’s time to stop a second and see what’s waiting for us in 2016. From books of series already started to brand new stories my list has already many titles. What of you, do you have some titles in your wishlist?

L’anno è quasi finito ed è tempo per me di dare un’occhiata a cosa ci aspetta nel 2016. Da libri che continuano serie in corso ad altri nuovi di pacca, la mia lista contiene già diversi titoli. Li trovate qui di seguito. E voi, invece, cosa state aspettando?


Daniel O’Malley | Head of Zeus | Fantasy, Paranormal, Mystery

allegante of honor singh

Salini Singh | Berkley | Sci-Fi, Paranormal, Romance

Marked in Flesh

Anne Bishop | ROC | Paranormal Fantasy


Alexandra Bracken | Disney-Hyperion | Historical, Fantasy, YA

Fire Touched

Patricia Briggs | ACE | Paranormal Fantasy

The Undoing

Shelly Laurenston | Kensington | Paranormal Romance

Forbidden Wish

Jessica Khoury | Razorbill | Fantasy, Retelling

Revenge and the wild

Michelle Modesto | Balzer & Bray | Steampunk YA


Melissa Landers | Disney-Hyperion | Sci-Fi YA

My American Duchess

Eloisa James | Avon | Historical Romance

Rebels of the Sands

Alwyn Hamilton | Penguin | Fantasy YA


Kristen Ashley | Contemporary Romance

ANDY WEIR: L’uomo di Marte

Nella newsletter “offerta lampo kindle” di Amazon di stamattina, questo romanzo è spiccato per titolo e cover. E’ in offerta a 0.99€ anche in altri store online (mondadoristore e ibs), qui sotto i link per acquistarlo. Lo condivido con voi perchè mi sa tanto che lo leggerò. 😉

L'uomo di marte di Andy Weir ebook a 99 cent
Editore Newton Compton
ISBN 9788854170520
Prezzo € 9.90 rilegato
4.99 ebook 0.99 €
Pagine 384
Uscita 23 ottobre 2014
Acquista | |
MondadoriStore |
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

L’uomo di Martechoice-logo-goodreads
Andy Weir

Gravity incontra Robinson Crusoe

Mark Watney è stato uno dei primi astronauti a mettere piede su Marte. Ma il suo momento di gloria è durato troppo poco. Un’improvvisa tempesta lo ha quasi ucciso e i suoi compagni di spedizione, credendolo morto, sono fuggiti e hanno fatto ritorno sulla Terra. Ora Mark si ritrova completamente solo su un pianeta inospitale e non ha nessuna possibilità di mandare un segnale alla base. E in ogni caso i viveri non basterebbero fino all’arrivo dei soccorsi. Nonostante tutto, con grande ostinazione Mark decide di tentare il possibile per sopravvivere. Ricorrendo alle sue conoscenze ingegneristiche e a una gran dose di ottimismo e caparbietà, affronterà un problema dopo l’altro e non si perderà d’animo. Fino a quando gli ostacoli si faranno insormontabili…

Prossimamente da questo libro il film diretto da Ridley Scott con Matt Damon