NOW OUT | Amy HARMON: The Bird and the Sword

The new book we were all waiting for is finally out! The Bird and the Sword by Amy Harmon is a newbie for this author who has never written a fantasy novel before. People are already saying it’s a great story but I didn’t doubt Amy for one second because Amy Harmon is always Amy Harmon and she never lets her fans down. 😉

 The Bird and the Sword by Amy Harmon
Editore SelfPublish
ISBN 9781533134134
Pagine 352
Prezzo $ 3.99 ebook
$ 13.99 brossura
Uscita 06 may 2016
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The Bird and the Sword
Amy Harmon

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Swallow, daughter, pull them in, those words that sit upon your lips. Lock them deep inside your soul, hide them ‘til they’ve time to grow. Close your mouth upon the power, curse not, cure not, ‘til the hour. You won’t speak and you won’t tell, you won’t call on heaven or hell. You will learn and you will thrive. Silence, daughter. Stay alive.
The day my mother was killed, she told my father I wouldn’t speak again, and she told him if I died, he would die too. Then she predicted the king would sell his soul and lose his son to the sky.
My father has a claim to the throne, and he is waiting in the shadows for all of my mother’s words to come to pass. He wants desperately to be king, and I just want to be free.
But freedom will require escape, and I’m a prisoner of my mother’s curse and my father’s greed. I can’t speak or make a sound, and I can’t wield a sword or beguile a king. In a land purged of enchantment, love might be the only magic left, and who could ever love . . . a bird?

Amy Harmon is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and New York Times Bestselling author. Amy knew at an early age that writing was something she wanted to do, and she divided her time between writing songs and stories as she grew. Having grown up in the middle of wheat fields without a television, with only her books and her siblings to entertain her, she developed a strong sense of what made a good story. Her books are now being published in several countries, truly a dream come true for a little country girl from Levan, Utah.

Amy Harmon has written eight novels – including the USA Today Bestsellers, Making Faces and Running Barefoot, as well as The Law of Moses, Infinity + One and the New York Times Bestseller, A Different Blue. Her newest release, The Law of Moses, is now available. For updates on upcoming book releases, author posts and more, join Amy at

Il Bacio e il Sortilegio (Kushiel’s Mercy) di Jacqueline Carey

In arrivo anche la prima parte del terzo volume che conclude la trilogia di Imriel di Jacqueline Carey, Il Bacio e il Sortilegio. La seconda e ultima parte, La Spada e la Promessa, uscirà sempre per Editrice Nord a febbraio 2012. Ma veniamo a questo volume…

Il Bacio e il Sortilegio (Kushiel’s Mercy) di Jacqueline Carey

3/1 serie Imriel (Kushiel Legacy)

Editore Editrice NORD
Uscita 27 ottobre 2011
Pagine 384
Prezzo € 18.00
ISBN 9788842918226

Dopo aver vendicato la morte della moglie, Imriel è libero di tornare a casa, dove lui e Sidonie rendono finalmente pubblica la loro relazione. La regina Ysandre, però, non può permettere che la delfina di Terre D’Ange si fidanzi col figlio della famigerata Mélisande Shahrizai, la donna che per ben due volte aveva cercato d’impadronirsi del regno e che poi era svanita nel nulla. Perciò, come segno della propria fedeltà, Imriel dovrà consegnare la traditrice alla giustizia, altrimenti Sidonie sarà diseredata.

Grazie ai suoi legami con la Gilda Invisibile – una setta segreta ramificata in tutto il mondo – il giovane riesce a scoprire il nascondiglio della madre però, proprio quando si prepara a partire, giunge a corte Astegal, l’ambizioso principe di Cartagine. Con un subdolo incantesimo, Astegal assoggetta al suo volere tutti gli abitanti di Terre D’Ange, compresa Sidonie, che accetta persino di sposarlo. Essendo l’unico rimasto immune, il principe Imriel si trova quindi costretto a chiedere aiuto al solo uomo che possa spezzare il potentissimo sortilegio: Ptolemy Solon, governatore della remota isola di Cytherea, nonché amante di Mélisande Shahrizai…

La trilogia :
1.1 Il Trono e la Stirpe (Kushiel Sion parte 1)
1.2 Il Sangue e il Traditore (Kushiel Sion parte 2)
2.1 Il Principe e il Peccato (Kushiel Justice parte 1)
2.2 La Sposa e la vendetta (Kushiel Justice parte 2)
3.1 Il Bacio e il Sortilegio (Kushiel Mercy parte 1)
3.2 La Spada e la Promessa (Kushiel Mercy parte 2) FEBBRAIO 2012