PREVIEW | Sara Jane STONE: Serving Trouble (Second Shot #1)

Yesterday was a crazy day but I had the time to read a steamy free short noevalla that introduces the first book in a new series by Sarah Jane Stone, Serving Trouble, out March 08. This was also a new author discovery for me and it didn’t disappoint! Just made things more interesting since I didn’t only meet the two MC five years before the events of Serving Trouble…to better understand their background before starting with their full story… but I had a glimpse (the first chapter) to the novel itself and I have just three words to say… I cannot wait! (I already know I am in love with Noah!!)

 Running Wild (Second Shot 0.5) by Sara Jane Stone

Avon Impulse | $€ 0.00 | 9780062423993 | Amazon

Running Wild
Sara Jane Stone

Second Shot #0.5


She’s always been off limits…
Noah Tager has always played by the rules and proudly wears the label ‘Local Hero.’ But before he leaves to become one of The Few, The Proud, The Marines, he wants to turn his fantasies into reality with the one woman who has always been off limits.
He’s always been a challenge…
When it comes to her less-than-stellar reputation, Josie Fairmore is ready and willing to cross over into nothing-left-to-lose territory, if it leads to an all-night ride with the man of her X-rated dreams. With her big brother leaving in the morning to ‘Be All He Can Be’ in the Army, Dominic will never find out about her fling with his best friend Noah.
But one wild ride together doesn’t change the fact that Noah’s leaving in the morning—and he’s taking Josie’s heart with him.

 Serving Trouble (Second Shot #1) by Sara Jane Stone
Editore Avon Impulse
ISBN 9780062423856
Prezzo $1.99/€2.68 ebook
Uscita 08 march 2016
Acquista Amazon | Barnes & Noble
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

Serving Trouble
Sara Jane Stone

Second Shot #1

Five years ago, Josie Fairmore left timber country in search of a bright future. Now she’s back home with a mountain of debt and reeling from a loss that haunts her. Desperate for a job, she turns to the one man she wishes she could avoid. The man who rocked her world one wild night and then walked right out of it.

Former Marine Noah Tager is managing his dad’s bar and holding tight to the feeling that his time overseas led to failure. The members of his small town think he’s a war hero, but after everything he’s witnessed, Noah doesn’t want a pat on the back. The only thing he desires is a second chance with his best friend’s little sister.

Josie’s determined to hold onto her heart and not repeat her mistakes, but when danger arrives on Noah’s doorstep and takes aim at Josie, they just might discover that sometimes love is worth the risk.

PREVIEW | Alison G. BAILEY: Perfect, la perfezione di un attimo

Super anteprima per Perfect: La perfezione di un attimo (Present Perfect) di Alison G. Baley, New Adult in uscita per DeA l’8 marzo! Perfect è un romanzo che ha riscosso un discreto successo e viene descritto come “un tornado emotivo“. Fa parte di una trilogia il cui secondo e terzo volume sono Past Imperfect e Presently Perfect. In realtà il secondo parla di un personaggio che scoprirete leggendo Perfect mentre il terzo è il cambio di POV di Perfect, quindi dal punto di vista di Noah, qui protagonista. E’ possibile, pertanto, considerare Perfect come romanzo standalone.

Editore DeAgostini
ISBN 9788851137984
Pagine 384
Prezzo € 6.99 ebook
€ 14,90 paperback
Uscita 08 marzo 2016
Acquista |
MondadoriStore |
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

Perfect, la perfezione di un attimo
Alison G. Bailey

Perfect series #1 di 3

Può la vera felicità durare più di un attimo?
È quello che si domanda Amanda, diciotto anni e una vita di insicurezze, quando decide di rifiutare con ostinazione l’amore di Noah. Noah che è il suo migliore amico, la sua anima gemella, il suo cavaliere dall’armatura scintillante. Amanda sa che Noah potrebbe renderla felice, immensamente felice, ma sa anche che tanta felicità potrebbe non durare. E perdere Noah le spezzerebbe il cuore. Ecco perché preferisce rinunciare a lui, e all’illusione di un momento, piuttosto che vivere con il rimpianto di averlo perso per sempre.
Per molto tempo Amanda e Noah si rincorrono, soffocando la passione che li divora, gettandosi a capofitto in storie sbagliate e avventure di una notte. Ma quando un tragico evento sconvolge la vita di Amanda, le cose cambiano. Costretta a lottare con tutte le proprie forze per ricominciare, la ragazza capisce che al mondo non esiste dono più prezioso di ogni singolo istante in cui possiamo respirare, correre, ridere e… amare. E si rende conto di non avere più nemmeno un secondo da sprecare.
Perché, a volte, un solo attimo di felicità vale più di una vita intera.
Uno straordinario fenomeno del web, bestseller di Amazon. Commovente come Colpa delle stelle, sexy come After.

present perfect bailey

Selfpublish | 9781482772975

I’ve been unsure about many things in my life except for one thing, that I have always loved him. Every single minute of every single day that I have been on this earth, my heart has belonged to him. It has never been a question, never a doubt. The love had taken on many different forms over the years, but it had always been a constant.
Everyone has their definition of love. There have been countless songs sung about it. A gazillion books, articles, and poems written about it. There are experts on love who will tell you how to get it, keep it, and get over it.
We’re led to believe love is complicated. It’s not the love that’s complicated. It’s all the crap that we attach to it and put in front of it that makes it difficult. If you’re smart, you’ll realize this before it’s too late and simplify.

Amanda Kelly spent her entire life trying to control every aspect of it, while striving for perfection. Her obsession with being perfect, along with her feelings of worthlessness, consumed her. The one thing she thought was perfect in her life was the bond she shared with her best friend, Noah.
Everything was going according to her life plan until she woke up one day and realized she had fallen in love with him. The one thing she couldn’t control was the affect he had on her. Noah had the power to give her one hundred lifetimes of happiness, which also gave him the power to completely devastate her. He was the one thing in her life that was perfect, but she couldn’t allow herself to have him.
Her life begins to unravel. Events take over and force her to let go of her dreams and desires. She needs to realize that a person cannot control the events in their life, only their reaction to them…but will it be too late for her to save her relationship with her best friend?
Present Perfect is a story of how past events have present consequences and how perfect your present could be if you stopped fighting and just allowed it to happen.

AmazonCrossing, la nuova collana Amazon oggi in offerta

Non avevo ancora avuto modo di parlarne ma un paio di mesi fa Amazon ne ha fatta un’altra delle sue. In semi-sordina è arrivata in Italia la collana AmazonCrossing che si definisce “AmazonCrossing introduces readers to authors from around the world with translations of foreign language books, making award-winning and best-selling books accessible to new readers.” ovvero è una collana dedicata alla traduzione di romanzi bestseller pubblicati dalla stessa Amazon nel mondo, per i lettori di altri paesi. Da noi è arrivata a novembre con cinque romanzi di diverso genere, dal romance allo storico, al thriller e via dicendo. Ora la collana si è già arricchita di altri titoli e oggi alcuni di essi sono in offerta a 0.99€.

Non proprio un appuntamento di Catherine Bybee
Editore AmazonCrossing
Pagine 268
Prezzo 4.99 0.99 kindle book
€ 9.99 paperback
Uscita 3 novembre 2015
Recensioni Goodreads

Non proprio un appuntamento
Catherine Bybee

Jessica “Jessie” Mann, cameriera e madre single, è la praticità fatta persona. Anche se avesse tempo per uscire con gli uomini (e non ne ha) farebbe di tutto per garantire al figlio un’infanzia più tranquilla della propria. Per questo le serve un marito con i soldi! Così, quando Jack Morrison, un cliente terribilmente sexy con il cappello da cowboy e il sorriso accattivante, cerca di flirtare con lei, Jessie lo respinge perché apparentemente al verde. Dubita, infatti, che un sognatore come Jack possa garantirle la stabilità economica di cui ha bisogno. Sarà difficile resistere all’affascinante texano, con il Natale alle porte e il desiderio di non passarlo da sola.

Erede dei Morrison, proprietari di un impero degli hotel di lusso, Jack è abituato a essere adulato. Ora sente il bisogno di qualcuno che s’innamori di lui e non della sua ricchezza. Un giorno mette gli occhi su Jessie, ma il muro che la ragazza ha costruito intorno al proprio cuore potrebbe ostacolarlo. Così decide di nasconderle la sua vera identità e si offre di aiutarla a trovare il marito ricco che cerca. Peccato che la sua audace messinscena rischi di privarlo del desiderio che vorrebbe vedere esaudito per Natale…


Affetti straordinari di Catherine Ryan Hyde
Editore AmazonCrossing
ISBN B0118081ZG
Pagine 450
Prezzo 4.99 0.99 kindle book
€ 9.99 paperback
Uscita 3 novembre 2015
Recensioni Goodreads

Affetti straordinari
Catherine Ryan Hyde

Nathan McCann è un uomo mite, senza figli, con un’esistenza lineare e monotona. Finché una mattina all’alba, durante una battuta di caccia, trova un neonato abbandonato. Il piccolo è avvolto in un maglione, indossa un cappellino lavorato a maglia e, incredibilmente, è ancora vivo. Di colpo nell’esistenza grigia di Nathan si accende una luce, il vuoto che da anni lo accompagna potrebbe forse colmarsi. La moglie non riesce a credere che Nathan voglia adottare questo piccolo sconosciuto, cerca di opporsi, ma non ce ne sarà bisogno: la nonna del neonato viene rintracciata e il sogno di Nathan si infrange. Dovrà limitarsi a seguire la crescita del piccolo Nat da lontano.

Quindici anni dopo, Nathan è rimasto vedovo. Un giorno davanti alla porta di casa si ritrova un Nat adolescente. Il ragazzo è diventato un piccolo teppista, aggressivo e arrogante, e la nonna non riesce più a gestirlo.

Inizia qui la storia di Nathan e Nat, una storia di scontri e incontri, di incomprensione e perdono, di bugie e illuminanti verità. La storia di una grande amicizia fra due uomini di generazioni diverse, un’amicizia più forte del più forte legame biologico.

Gli altri titoli AmazonCrossing in offerta oggi:
La Barriera (Le streghe di Savannah Vol. 1) di J.D. Horn Non ho paura del buio di Robert Dugoni Guida agli appuntamenti per imbranate di Tracy Brogan Lei che ama solo me di Mark Edwards

REVIEW | Nalini SINGH: Rock Redemption (Rock Kiss, #3)

Rock Redemption by Nalini Singh Rock Kiss 3
Rating: ★★★★☆
on the author website
Publisher TKA Distribution
Prezzo $ 4.86 ebook
$ 15.00 paperback
Pagine 349
Uscita 6th october 2015
Acquista | Barnes&Noble | MondadoriStore
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

Rock Redemption
Nalini Singh

Rock Kiss, book 3

Kit Devigny could have loved rock guitarist Noah St. John. Their
fast-review-upfriendship burned with the promise of intense passion and searing tenderness…until the night Noah deliberately shattered her heart.

Noah knows he destroyed something precious the night he chose to betray Kit, but he’d rather she hate him than learn his darkest secret. All he has left is his music. It’s his saving grace, but it doesn’t silence the voices that keep him up at night. Chasing oblivion through endless one-night-stands, he earns a few hours’ sleep and his bad boy reputation.

When a media error sees Noah and Kit dubbed the new “it” couple, Kit discovers her chance at the role of a lifetime hinges on riding the media wave. Wanting—needing—to give Kit this, even if he can’t give her everything, Noah agrees to play the adoring boyfriend. Only the illusion is suddenly too real, too painful, too beautiful…and it may be too late for the redemption of Noah St. John.

The Rock Kiss series is slowly entering my system and it’s becoming more and more difficult to resist to these guys. So, why bother?
Rock Redemption is the third installement and it’s mantaining the level of the other two and a half 😉 book that have preceded it (you can see their cover at the end of this review and read something more of them by cliking on the cover). I can’t say I am not biased when speaking about Nalini Singh’s work. She is one of my favourite authors (if not The) and it’s really impossible to be objective with her books. Nevertheless, if she is a favorite author of mine it also means she is really good, isn’t it? Summarizing, I’m liking this series quite a bit. 😉
From the first book you could clearly feel the differences between her other two fantasy series. You can’t compare them because they are not only completely different genre, they are also build upon very different dept of plots. However, this is not a negative aspect. Still the reader needs to know that he/she is going to read something that is lighter even if Nalini (in this book more than ever) tells about difficult subjects and their consequences.
The strenght of her books are her characters. Like I said speaking of Rock Courtship (David’s short novella) every book makes you love completely its MC and, in the end, you can’t decide which one is your favourite. This happened to me with Noah as well. I can understand why other readers of Rock Redemption said Noah was not their favourite MC from book one. His blatant betrayal of Kit was probably unforgivable for most people. It is unforgivable in most cases. Regardless, after reading his story I cannot help forgiving him. He is the perfect epitome of the hunted man. Anyhow this book is most of all a banner of women strenght because it is Kit who ends as the winner. Every word speaks loudly of her character. How she learned to deal with his weaknessess and helped him overcome his fears…always loving him.
Even if I can’t, from the death of me, decide which one of the books of this series is my favourite, Noah and Kit will always be one of my favourite couple because they fought for their love and their future. (it really seems I’m speaking about real people…how crazy is that? XD)

Rock Addiction Rock Courtship Rock Hard