PATRICIA BRIGGS: Shifting Shadows – Stories from the World of Mercy Thompson

Tornando a parlare di Patricia Briggs, fra poco più di un mese potremo trovare in libreria (chiaramente solo in inglese dato che in Italia è stata interrotta) questa raccolta di racconti brevi (alcuni nuovi altri vecchi, tra cui l’inizio della storia tra Charles e Anna) collegati al mondo di Mercy Thompson, serie principale della Briggs (di cui Alpha and Omega è uno spin-off).

Speaking again of Patricia Briggs, in just over a month we will find at the bookshops this new collection of short stories, connected to the world of Mercy Thompson… some of them new and some of them old. Hovewer, the real treat for me is that, finally, we will have the novel of the beginnings of Charles and Anna in an all Mercyverse anthology. 😉 (ok, and the beautiful, incredible and fantasmagorical cover painted by the faboulous Dan Dos Santos, yay!)

 Shifting Shadows: stories from the world of Mercy Thompson by Patricia Briggs
Editore Penguin, ACE
ISBN 9780425265000 hardcover
Pagine 464
Prezzo $ 26.95 hardcover
$ 13.00 kindle ebook ?
Uscita 02 september 2014
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Mercy Thompson’s world just got a whole lot bigger…

A collection of all-new and previously published short stories featuring Mercy Thompson, “one of the best heroines in the urban fantasy genre today” (Fiction Vixen Book Reviews), and the characters she calls friends…

Previously Published Stories

  • Alpha and Omega The first novella about Anna and Charles, which led to a whole spin-off series.
  • Gray An vampire buys the home where she lived with her husband, which has fallen into disrespair. She begins remodeling the place, only to find that old and beloved ghosts still linger.
  • Fairy Gifts Mining towns are rough and human life is cheap. In the turn-of-the-century Butte Montana, a young man, turned to a vampire, struggles with his nature and eventually finds a measure of redemption in an unlikely place.
  • Seeing Eye White witches are rare, and seldom as powerful as their morally-compromised counterparts. In this story, a blind witch teams up with a werewolf on a mission.
  • The Star of David Being a werewolf can wreck havoc on family relations. This is a story of how murder and deception can bring a family together…
  • In Red, with Pearls Warren is a werewolf, and a private detective. This is a noir-flavored story about some truly terrible neighbors and why you should always treat a werewolf nicely.

New Stories

  • Silver This is probably the only depressing story I’ve ever written, and it was a hard story to write. This covers how Bran and Samuel were first made into werewolves, and how Samuel first fell in love with the Ariana. Of course, as we learned in Silver Borne, things have to take a tragic turn.
  • Outtake One After the tragedy of Silver, I had to remind myself that with long life comes the opportunity to overcome the past, and forge a better future. Samuel and Ariana have another chance at love, and they’re determined to make it work. This is an outtake from Silver Borne
  • Roses in Winter A young girl survives a werewolf attack, and is transformed into a werewolf. When she wasn’t able to control the wolf, she was moved to Bran’s pack. The law is absolute: if a werewolf cannot learn to control the wolf, they must be destroyed for the safety of all. With hope fading, Asil intervenes.
  • Redemption Ben’s got a quick temper, and a quicker tongue. He’s also made a bet that he can stop swearing for a week, and it just might change his life.
  • Hollow A wealthy recluse is haunted by a terrible ghost, and asks Mercy for help. What could possibly go wrong?
  • Outtake Two A bit that I wrote in Adam’s viewpoint for Night Broken.

NORA ROBERTS: Donne e Diamanti

Editore Harlequin Mondadori
ISBN 9788861834590 brossura
Pagine 384
Prezzo € 12.90 brossura con alette
Uscita 10 giugno 2014
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inMondadori |
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Donne e Diamanti
Nora Roberts

Quando le stelle di Mithra, tre diamanti dal valore inestimabile, scompaiono dal museo di Washington, sembrano seguire un percorso preciso. Irrompono nella vita di Bailey, gemmologa senza più memoria, sconvolgono quella di MJ, attraente barista, e fanno luce sul mistero della scomparsa di Grace, ricca ereditiera innamorata degli scandali. Si dice che i diamanti siano i migliori amici delle donne, e infatti un’antica leggenda considera le pietre portatrici di un’immensa fortuna per chi le possiede. Per questo motivo un uomo misterioso cerca con ogni mezzo di rubarle, convinto che non si tratti soltanto di una leggenda. Tre donne, tre gemme preziose, tre vite in cui la fortuna va di pari passo con l’amore.

Altro romanzo pubblicato recentemente da hm:
CupCakes a colazione di Nora Roberts

Nora Roberts

Oltre 200 titoli al numero 1 della New York Times Bestsellers List, 660 settimane di permanenza in classifica, 400 MILIONI di copie vendute in tutto il mondo: numeri da capogiro, che fanno di Nora Roberts un vero fenomeno internazionale della narrativa moderna. Un’autrice straordinaria e dalla vena creativa inesauribile, in grado di stupire ogni volta il suo immenso pubblico di lettrici, che da anni accolgono ogni suo nuovo romanzo come un evento da non perdere.
Storie sempre capaci di emozionare, da cui sono stati tratti anche alcuni film per la TV, trasmessi in Italia dalle reti Rai.