EBOOK FREE – Seasons of the Moon Series: Six Moon Summer, All Hallows’ Moon, Long Night Moon, and Gray Moon Rising di SM Reine

Breve post per questa serie che oggi (e non so per quanto ancora) è scaricabile gratuitamente su Amazon. L’avevo già scoperta qualche tempo fa perchè questa autrice sembra avere una buona nomea nei circoli Indie. Se volete provare a leggere in inglese o se vi interessano romanzi YA con protagonisti licantropi potrebbe fare al caso vostro.

EBOOK FREE - Seasons of the Moon Series: Six Moon Summer, All Hallows' Moon, Long Night Moon, and Gray Moon Rising di SM Reine
Editore Red Iris Books
Pagine 684
Prezzo € 0,00 kindle ebook
Uscita 12 novembre 2013
Acquista Amazon.it
Recensioni Goodreads

Seasons of the Moon Series: Six Moon Summer, All Hallows’ Moon, Long Night Moon, and Gray Moon Rising
SM Reine


When Rylie went to summer camp, she didn’t expect to get bitten by a werewolf and turn into a monster. She also didn’t expect to fall in love—especially not with a werewolf hunter.
Between ravenous werewolf packs, a bloodthirsty family of hunters, and Rylie’s battle with her inner wolf, all the odds are stacked against Rylie’s love for Seth. But Seth will do anything to be with her…even if it means turning against his family and sacrificing everything.

Reading order:
1. Six Moon Summer
2. All Hallows’ Moon
3. Long Night Moon
4. Gray Moon Rising

