REVIEW | Ryan GRAUDIN: Wolf by Wolf

wolf ryan graudin

Little, Brown Books | 9780316405126
My rating: Rating: ★★★★½

Ryan Graudin


Code Name Verity meets Inglourious Basterds in this fast-paced novel from the author of The Walled City.
The year is 1956, and the Axis powers of the Third Reich and Imperial Japan rule the world. To commemorate their Great Victory over Britain and Russia, Hitler and Emperor Hirohito host the Axis Tour: an annual motorcycle race across their conjoined continents. The victor is awarded an audience with the highly reclusive Adolf Hitler at the Victor’s Ball.
Yael, who escaped from a death camp, has one goal: Win the race and kill Hitler. A survivor of painful human experimentation, Yael has the power to skinshift and must complete her mission by impersonating last year’s only female victor, Adele Wolfe. This deception becomes more difficult when Felix, Adele’s twin brother, and Luka, her former love interest, enter the race and watch Yael’s every move. But as Yael begins to get closer to the other competitors, can she bring herself to be as ruthless as she needs to be to avoid discovery and complete her mission?


When I heard about this novel, read the blurb, I immediately thought “this can be a flop to-kill-all-the flops-of-this-world or a great, one-of-a-kind, novel”. The historical period in which it is set, the Second World War, is one of those I always struggle with because of the atrocities done under the Third Reich. I don’t tend to search for books, movie, etc. that have that period as a subject. I always try to keep in mind the pain that has been inflicted in those years, because it is right to remember and not forget, but I don’t want to read or watch something that can only scratch the surface of what people suffered at the time. They can only fall short. I am not saying that some book or film hasn’t done them some justice but I feel it isn’t enough, you know? How can anything be enough?
Anyway…returning to Wolf by Wolf.
This novel has the right amount of fantasy elements and aims primarily on the adventurous part to allow me to detach from the realistic events described. Not only that but it was able to keep me engaged from start to end. In fact, the book is a sort of dystopian novel because, although based on a world that is ours, thanks to a change in the historical events we know it represents a new dreadful reality. What’s different from a common dystopian book is that the story of Wolf by Wolf does not happen in an hypothetical future but in the past of 1944-56. The author imagines a what-if that terrifies me at the sole idea… the victory of Hitler and the establishment of its ideologies in the majority of the world, with USA that keeps itself apart from the conflict for fear that Hitler may turn his gaze on its conquest.
The author manages a story that takes the reader on an adventure that can be compared to the one in Hidalgo (a movie with Viggo Mortensen if the name of the movie doesn’t sound any bell to you), Balto (again see movie), Kevin of the North, etc … stories of life and death, full of twists, extreme situations, fights for life and so on. It is a motorcycle race the focal point of the adventure in Wolf by Wolf, one the MC has to win…

The resistance has given Yael one goal: Win the race and kill Hitler.

Yael is the MC and a jewish girl who barely survived the death camp where she and her mother where imprisoned when she was six. During that time she became Experiment 85 and was subjected to painful injections that had the purpose of altering her appearance (like changing the color of her eyes from brown to blue and such). They never could have expected the experiment to be so successful. Yael learns to change completely her look and, after having lost all that she holds dear, she manages to excape from the camp assuming the aspect of the commander’s doughter. After that, Yael finds herself alone in a world that she is not prepared to confront. Fortunately, it is in that moment that she stumbles upon the resistance, people who are trying to subvert Hitler’s rule. After discovering her, they bring her in providing a new, albeit undercover, home.

Yael becomes the secret weapon they were waiting for. The last hope of the revolutionary group. Indeed, thanks to the unexpected victory of a girl, Adele Wolfe, in the previous edition of the Axis Tour -this motorcycle race where the best German and Japanese young males compete for supremacy (a race born to show the superiority of the Aryan race)- Yael has the possibility to replace her in the new race that it is soon to be held. By winning the Tour she can have the opportunity to approach and kill the Führer, putting an end to his dictatorship. Obviously, the job is not so easy. In addition to all the other participants, who will try to maim her if not kill (yeah, it is that bad), there is Adele’s twin brother to keep at a distance as much as possible. And the memories. All the wolves she has to avenge, and that keep her company during the journey, will add to what Yael has to face to win the most important challenge of her life.


PREVIEW | Sophie JOMAIN: Rivalità (Le Stelle di Noss Head #2)

Sophie JOMAIN Rivalità
Editore Fazi Editore, Lain YA
ISBN 9788893250030
Pagine 384
Prezzo € 4.99 ebook
€ 13,50 paperback
Uscita 12 maggio 2016
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Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

Sophie Jomain

Le stelle di Noss Head #2

Hannah ha finalmente iniziato il primo anno di Storia all’Università di St Andrews. Insieme al suo bellissimo ragazzo Leith, che oltre a essere la sua anima gemella è anche un lupo mannaro, fra lezioni e nuovi amici le giornate scorrono piacevoli e meravigliose. Tuttavia, all’interno del piccolo universo di St Andrews, la confraternita del Cerchio – frequentata da studenti affascinanti e pericolosamente misteriosi – attira subito l’attenzione della ragazza, che ben presto verrà travolta da una rivelazione sconvolgente: i lupi mannari non sono le uniche creature leggendarie ad aver oltrepassato i confini del mito per entrare nella realtà. E così, la storia d’amore di Hannah e Leith, oltre a dover fronteggiare i pregiudizi del Branco, che ritiene di cattivo gusto l’unione di un lupo mannaro con un essere umano, sarà anche minacciata da una vera e propria guerra che sta per scoppiare con altre fazioni, infiammata da contrasti che si trascinano da centinaia di anni.
Con maestria e seduzione, in Rivalità, secondo capitolo della saga Le stelle di Noss Head, Sophie Jomain dà il bentornato al lettore nel magico mondo di Leith e Hannah, ammaliandolo con nuove leggende oscure e creature spettacolari. Un libro sull’amicizia, sull’amore e sul coraggio, da leggere tutto d’un fiato.

 Vertigine Sophie Jomain
Editore Fazi Editore, Lain YA
ISBN 9788876258619
Pagine 300
Prezzo € 6.99 ebook
€ 13.50 paperback
Uscita 11 febbraio 2016
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MondadoriStore |
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

Sophie Jomain

Le stelle di Noss Head #1

All’alba dei diciotto anni, Hannah è semplicemente furiosa all’idea di lasciare Parigi per trascorrere un’altra vacanza estiva a Wick, la piccola cittadina a nord della Scozia dove vive la nonna. Per una ragazza della sua età, abituata alla frenesia della metropoli, non esiste posto più noioso. A risollevarle il morale, per fortuna, ci sono le vecchie amicizie ma anche le nuove conoscenze, fra cui il misterioso Leith, dalla bellezza statuaria e dal fascino irresistibile. Non importa se su di lui circolano strane voci: l’attrazione è immediata, reciproca e incontenibile. Per Hannah sembra che stia iniziando la storia d’amore che tutte le ragazze sognano, ma ogni fiaba che si rispetti ha il suo lato oscuro, e quella della giovane si sta per trasformare in un incubo.

Fra antichi racconti e creature straordinarie, sullo sfondo del suggestivo paesaggio delle lande scozzesi e delle coste del Mare del Nord, Vertigine coinvolge il lettore in una storia avvincente che soffia sul fuoco del mito, facendo divampare le fiamme della leggenda e della passione. Una trama emozionante unita a una scrittura ipnotica che vibra della scoperta del primo amore sul filo incredibile della magia. Perché le fiabe a volte sono più reali di quanto pensiamo.


PREVIEW | Amie KAUFMAN, Jay KRISTOFF: Gemina (The Illuminae Files #2)

It’s a bit early to be speaking about this book but…hey! I love the color XD…and since it’s cover reveal days, here we are 😉

9780553499155 Gemina by Kaufman & Kristoff
Editore Knopf Books, Penguin Random House
Pagine 672
Prezzo $ 19.99 hardback
$ 10.99
Uscita 18 october 2016
Acquista Amazon
Recensioni Goodreads

Amie Kaufman, Jay Kristoff

The Illuminae Files #2

The highly anticipated sequel to the instant New York Times bestseller that critics are calling “out-of-this-world awesome.”

Moving to a space station at the edge of the galaxy was always going to be the death of Hanna’s social life. Nobody said it might actually get her killed.
The sci-fi saga that began with the breakout bestseller Illuminae continues on board the Jump Station Heimdall, where two new characters will confront the next wave of the BeiTech assault.
Hanna is the station captain’s pampered daughter; Nik the reluctant member of a notorious crime family. But while the pair are struggling with the realities of life aboard the galaxy’s most boring space station, little do they know that Kady Grant and the Hypatia are headed right toward Heimdall, carrying news of the Kerenza invasion.
When an elite BeiTech strike team invades the station, Hanna and Nik are thrown together to defend their home. But alien predators are picking off the station residents one by one, and a malfunction in the station’s wormhole means the space-time continuum might be ripped in two before dinner. Soon Hanna and Nik aren’t just fighting for their own survival; the fate of everyone on the Hypatia—and possibly the known universe—is in their hands.
But relax. They’ve totally got this. They hope.
Once again told through a compelling dossier of emails, IMs, classified files, transcripts, and schematics, Gemina raises the stakes of the Illuminae Files, hurling readers into an enthralling new story that will leave them breathless.

The first book in the series:

9781760113803 Illuminae by Amie Kaufman and Jay Kristoff
Editore Knopf Books, Penguin Random House
Pagine 600
Prezzo $ 18.99 hardback
$ 10.99
Uscita 20 october 2015
Acquista Amazon
Recensioni Goodreads


For fans of Marie Lu and James Dashner comes the first book in an epic new series.
This morning, Kady thought breaking up with Ezra was the hardest thing she’d have to do.
This afternoon, her planet was invaded.

The year is 2575, and two rival megacorporations are at war over a planet that’s little more than an ice-covered speck at the edge of the universe. Too bad nobody thought to warn the people living on it. With enemy fire raining down on them, Kady and Ezra—who are barely even talking to each other—are forced to fight their way onto one of the evacuating fleet, with an enemy warship in hot pursuit.

But their problems are just getting started. A deadly plague has broken out and is mutating, with terrifying results; the fleet’s AI, which should be protecting them, may actually be their enemy; and nobody in charge will say what’s really going on. As Kady hacks into a tangled web of data to find the truth, it’s clear only one person can help her bring it all to light: the ex-boyfriend she swore she’d never speak to again!

Told through a fascinating dossier of hacked documents—including emails, schematics, military files, IMs, medical reports, interviews, and more—Illuminae is the first book in a heart-stopping, high-octane trilogy about lives interrupted, the price of truth, and the courage of everyday heroes.

Amie Kaufman is the New York Times bestselling co-author of Illuminae (with Jay Kristoff) and These Broken Stars, This Shattered World, and Their Fractured Light (with Meagan Spooner.) She writes science fiction and fantasy for teens, and her favourite procrastination techniques involve chocolate, baking, sailing, excellent books and TV, plotting and executing overseas travel, and napping.
She lives in Melbourne, Australia with her husband, their rescue dog, and her considerable library.

Jay Kristoff is the New York Times and internationally bestselling author of THE LOTUS WAR, THE ILLUMINAE FILES and THE NEVERNIGHT CHRONICLE. He is a winner of the Aurealis Award, nominee for the David Gemmell Morningstar and Legend awards, named in the Kirkus and Amazon Best Teen Books list and published in over twenty countries, most of which he has never visited. Being the holder of an arts degree, he has no education to speak of. He is 6’7 and has approximately 13030 days to live. He abides in Melbourne with his secret agent kung-fu assassin wife, and the world’s laziest Jack Russell.

FOCUS ON | Anna GIRALDO: Meet you on the other side

Torno a parlare di Meet You on the Other Side di Anna Giraldo…

Meet you on the other side Anna Giraldo
Rating: ★★★★½
Pagine 240
Prezzo € 2.99 ebook
€ 8.99 paperback
Uscita 15 dicembre 2015
Acquista Amazon
Recensioni Goodreads

Meet You on the Other Side
Anna Giraldo

Eli ha perso suo padre Max in mare eppure non sa stare senza le onde.
Jay è un figlio sbagliato e pensa che l’oceano sia soltanto un ammasso di acqua fredda dal sapore sgradevole.
Deep è venuto per loro.

Meet you on the other side è l’ultimo verso di Just Breathe, una canzone dei Pearl Jam, e questo romanzo è stato scritto con la loro colonna sonora.
Il surf, i viaggi, il mare, sono il filo rosso che unisce un intreccio di passioni profonde, incontri mancati e incroci casuali, una storia di attraversamento della vita e del confine dell’essere che assume contorni fantastici e si vela di magia.

Estratto dal romanzo:
– È bello come stare qui?
– Certo, è bello. Come l’onda, ti prende e ti porta con sé, ti travolge, ti stringe nelle sue spire, ti sommerge, e non sai più farne a meno.
– Come la vita? Come svegliarsi al mattino e sentire che hai un corpo da nutrire, come respirare, Jay, è bello come respirare?
È bello come respirare? Chiusi gli occhi e cercai di riportare alla mente la sensazione che provavo quando, dopo essere stato disarcionato, riemergevo senza fiato e pieno di dolori per gli schiaffi presi dalle onde.
Ciò che avevo sentito facendo sesso somigliava più al trionfo di pochi istanti, sopra un’onda buona, ma troppo docile per dare tempo all’adrenalina di percorrerti tutto.
Forse per amore. Per amore, forse, avrebbe potuto essere bello come svegliarsi al mattino e sentire che hai un corpo da nutrire. Per amore avrebbe potuto essere come il sollievo quando finalmente si ritrova il pelo dell’acqua dopo il naufragio.
Non mi era mai accaduto per amore.
Si girò e mi guardò corrucciato. Fu un solo istante, poi riportò lo sguardo alla strada.
– Jay, se si chiama “fare l’amore”, come puoi farlo senza amore?
Un anno di Pearl Jam a tutto volume in auto, un anno di letture sul surf, un nuovo amore letterario, Tim Winton, e Porto, una città che mi ha preso il cuore. È una storia strana, quella della stesura di Meet you on the other side, fatta di lunghe attese, di sogni a occhi aperti e tanta voglia di andare via.
Ma, come dice Fernando Pessoa: “So perfettamente che esistono isole del Sud e grandi passioni cosmopolite… Sono sicuro che se tenessi il mondo in pugno lo scambierei con un biglietto per Rua dos Douradores”.
