PREVIEW | Sarah J. MAAS: A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2)

Ad un anno esatto dall’uscita del primo volume, A Court of Mist and Fury di Sarah J Maas, secondo volume della serie A Court Of Thorns and Roses (anche titolo del primo volume), ha finalmente una cover, una trama e una data. Il 5 maggio 2016 A Court of Mist and Fury sarà infatti acquistabile  sia negli USA che in UK.

 A Court of Mist and Fury (A Court of Thorns and Roses #2) by Sarah J. Maas
Editore Bloomsbury
ISBN 9781619634466
Pagine 432
Prezzo $ 18.99 hardback
$ 13.99 ebook
Uscita 03 may 2016
Acquista Amazon
Recensioni Goodreads

A Court of Mist and Fury
Sarah J Maas

A Court Of Thorns and Roses, book 2

Feyre survived Amarantha’s clutches to return to the Spring Court–but at a steep cost. Though she now has the powers of the High Fae, her heart remains human, and it can’t forget the terrible deeds she performed to save Tamlin’s people.

Nor has Feyre forgotten her bargain with Rhysand, High Lord of the feared Night Court. As Feyre navigates its dark web of politics, passion, and dazzling power, a greater evil looms–and she might be key to stopping it. But only if she can harness her harrowing gifts, heal her fractured soul, and decide how she wishes to shape her future–and the future of a world cleaved in two.

With more than a million copies sold of her beloved Throne of Glass series, Sarah J. Maas’s masterful storytelling brings this second book in her seductive and action-packed series to new heights.

Il primo volume della serie:
A Court of Thorns and Roses (A Court of Thorns and Roses #1) by Sarah J. Maas

REVIEW | Jennifer Foehner WELLS: Fluency (Confluence #1)

Fulency by Jennifer Foehner Wells is an interesting sci-fi that tells a very realistic scenario
of what could happen if a ship was discovered around Earth space…

Fluency (Confluence #1) by Jennifer Foehner Wells
Rating: ★★★½☆
Editore Blue Bedlam Books
ISBN 9780990479819
Pagine 376
Prezzo € 12.48 paperback
€ 4.49 kindle
Uscita 25th june 2014
Acquista Amazon | MondadoriStore
Recensioni Goodreads

Jennifer Foehner Wells

Confluence #1

NASA discovered the alien ship lurking in the asteroid belt in the 1960s. They kept the Target under intense surveillance for decades, letting the public believe they were exploring the solar system, while they worked feverishly to refine the technology needed to reach it.
The ship itself remained silent, drifting.
Dr. Jane Holloway is content documenting nearly-extinct languages and had never contemplated becoming an astronaut. But when NASA recruits her to join a team of military scientists for an expedition to the Target, it’s an adventure she can’t refuse.
The ship isn’t vacant, as they presumed.
A disembodied voice rumbles inside Jane’s head, “You are home.”
Jane fights the growing doubts of her colleagues as she attempts to decipher what the alien wants from her. As the derelict ship devolves into chaos and the crew gets cut off from their escape route, Jane must decide if she can trust the alien’s help to survive.


An interesting sci-fi that tells a very realistic scenario of what could happen if a ship was discovered around Earth space. In this book the author has recreated the mood of many sci-fi movies, fortunately without using the panic card where humans go on a rampage of fear. Instead she went with the adventurous feel of an exploratory group of people in a first contact mission. Yeah, obviously the government as its own ideas considering that they are sending a goup of people on an unknown “dead” alien ship…they are not prepared for what can happen once on board, even if the majority is military trained. They can only think about different possibilities and make plans accordingly… translated? a plan B is always a good idea. Still, as you can imagine, it doesn’t take much for things to get complicated.
The MCs are the truly interesting and original part of the book. Dr. Jane Holloway is a linguist who can learn quickly new languages and because of that is asked to join the expedition. The author doesn’t really explain how Jane’s abilieties came to be but it’s also true that in the world there are many things that can’t be explained (I don’t know if I like this but it’s a fact). I liked quite a lot the mental relationship between her and the alien creature. It’s a link that grows slowly but steadily during the book and makes possible for the reader to know Jane’s mind (and not only her actions) and the alien as well. However I have to say my favourite part was at the end, where the true adventure is starting. Infact, the rest of the story was a bit too slow…things seemed to go nowhere for a while. Now we have to wait for the next book in the series to discover if the promise of a great adventure in the space will come to fruition.

REVIEW | Naomi NOVIK: Uprooted

Finally my review of Uprooted, a book written by Naomi Novik and published in may 2015 by Penguin Random House. Uprooted is a fantasy that takes its root from fairytales and spins a tale of magic and love.

Review Uprooted by Naomi Novik
Rating: ★★★★½
Editore Penguin Random House
ISBN 9780804179034
Pagine 448
Prezzo $ 25.00 hardback
$ 12.99 kindle
Uscita 19th may 2015
Acquista | Amazon
MondadoriStore |
Recensioni Goodreads

Naomi Novik

“Our Dragon doesn’t eat the girls he takes, no matter what stories they tell outside our valley. We hear them sometimes, from travelers passing through. They talk as though we were doing human sacrifice, and he were a real dragon. Of course that’s not true: he may be a wizard and immortal, but he’s still a man, and our fathers would band together and kill him if he wanted to eat one of us every ten years. He protects us against the Wood, and we’re grateful, but not that grateful.”

Agnieszka loves her valley home, her quiet village, the forests and the bright shining river. But the corrupted Wood stands on the border, full of malevolent power, and its shadow lies over her life.

Her people rely on the cold, driven wizard known only as the Dragon to keep its powers at bay. But he demands a terrible price for his help: one young woman handed over to serve him for ten years, a fate almost as terrible as falling to the Wood.

The next choosing is fast approaching, and Agnieszka is afraid. She knows—everyone knows—that the Dragon will take Kasia: beautiful, graceful, brave Kasia, all the things Agnieszka isn’t, and her dearest friend in the world. And there is no way to save her.

But Agnieszka fears the wrong things. For when the Dragon comes, it is not Kasia he will choose.

Review Uprooted by Naomi Novik

He was a thing of books and alembics to me, library and laboratory.

Uprooted by Naomi Novik has that particular feel of an old tale told in front of the fireplace, surrounded by a warm, old and comfy blanket, with a cup of tea or chocolate at hand. It makes you imagine  a tale of adventures, foe, great feat and, maybe, an everlasting love. I don’t like to spoiler things for anyone and with this book it can happen easily. Thus I will not tell anything too specific about the story, you can already decide if it is intriguing or not by reading the plot and the excerpt. I will tell you only this…. Uprooted gave me all of what I listed above and even more. I’m sorry to be so late in speaking of this book because it was one of the best of 2015 for me but it’s not always so simple to put my thoughts on words after reading a book I liked so much.
It starts with a premise non truly original but then takes unespected turns because of the story behind. A story that the author keeps firmly secret till the end, when all is finally clear to the reader. Therefore it’s all revealed by degrees so as to truly appreciate the world Novik has invented. It was this author’s skill that made me appreciate the book more…it’s not really common to find an author that can keep the reader oblivious for the majority of a story, much less for an entire book! And we can’t forget about the MCs! Both the female and male MC are truly inspired. The opposite one of the other. Him, the Dragon. A gruff, rude, sophisticated, sociopathic know-it-all (yeah, I know but he is such a character XD). Her, the peasant. A common, ignorant, wild, unkempt young thing. It is obvious that the clash of wills soon makes any kind of fear Agnieszka could have ever felt pass quickly.
Before this book, I hadn’t read anything of this author but it’s sure now that she has gained a new follower.

FOCUS ON | Manuela PIGNA: Training in Love & Che Dio me la mandi buona…

Il mondo degli Indie (autori che si autopubblicano), con l’avvento di piattaforme come Amazon o Smashwords, sta diventando sempre più ampio e ricco anche in Italia. Sono tanti i prodotti letterari degni di nota, curati in ogni dettaglio a partire dall’editing fino alla cover, che il lettore digitale può acquistare anche a pochi euro. Oggi vi presento un’autrice che rappresenta perfettamente questa nuova categoria di autore. Manuela Pigna, infatti, è un’autrice che ha autopubblicato due romanzi, acquistabili sia su Amazon che su Kobo, i quali hanno riscosso un discreto successo. Da alcuni mesi, poi, è approdata anche nel mercato inglese e spagnolo con la traduzione di Training in Love.

 Training in Love by Manuela Pigna
Rating: ★★★★☆
ISBN 9781505242041
Pagine 283
Prezzo € 10.39 brossura
€ 0.99 ebook
Uscita 27 novembre 2014
Acquista KoboStore |
MondadoriStore |
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

Olivia è una ragazza dolce e simpatica, ha un unico problema: il sovrappeso.
Per quasi tutta la vita è stata una ragazza grassa, presa di mira a scuola e non solo a causa delle sue dimensioni; ha passato diversi anni a lottare strenuamente con la bilancia, gettando la spugna quando sembrava che ogni tentativo non andasse a buon fine, e rassegnandosi a vivere per sempre con tutti i suoi chili in più.
Finché una sera un incontro con un ragazzo speciale non le ridona un nuovo stimolo per risolvere il problema con l’alimentazione una volta per tutte e iniziare a vivere la sua vita a pieno, cominciando dal cambiare se stessa e finendo con il progetto di conquistare il ragazzo in questione.
Attorniata da amici premurosi, cerca una figura professionale che la aiuti nel suo intento, senza sapere che questo sconvolgerà per sempre i suoi piani.
E proprio quando tutto si realizzerà esattamente come si era augurata, si renderà conto che il fato è ironico e birichino, e a volte, quando i desideri si realizzano, non si è così felici come ci si aspetterebbe, soprattutto se nel frattempo quei desideri sono cambiati, sconvolti da un turbine alto e biondo, difficile da ignorare…

*ENGLISH EDITION*Training in Love by Manuela Pigna
Olivia is a sweet, friendly girl with just one problem – she’s overweight.
Almost all her life she’s been fat, bullied at school, and not only because of her dimensions. She has spent several years fighting with the scale, throwing in the towel when all her efforts seemed futile, and resigning herself to live her life overweight.
Until one night when she meets a special young man who gives her new motivation to solve her problem once and for all. She stubbornly starts a project that involves living her life to the fullest, changing herself and winning over the man in question.
Surrounded by loving friends, she looks for someone professional who can help her achieve her goals, but she doesn’t imagine that this will unsettle her plans irremediably.
Just when everything appears to go exactly as planned, she will realize that fate is ironic and a little mischievous and sometimes you are not as happy as you thought you’d be when dreams come true. Especially if in the meantime those dreams are turned upside down by a very tall and very blond tornado, so hard to ignore…

Olivia es una chica dulce y simpática, pero tiene un pequeño problema: el sobrepeso.
Durante casi toda su vida ha sido una chica gordita, el hazmerreír del colegio y no solo a causa de su tamaño; ha pasado varios años luchando infatigablemente contra la báscula, tirando la toalla cada vez que un intento resultaba fallido y resignándose a vivir para siempre con todos sus kilos de más.
Hasta que una noche conoce a un chico especial que le da una nueva motivación para resolver su problema con la alimentación de una vez por todas y empezar a vivir su vida plenamente, empezando por cambiarse a sí misma y terminando con el proyecto de conquistar al chico en cuestión.
Rodeada de unos amigos muy atentos, busca a una figura profesional que la ayude en su intento, sin saber que eso desbaratará sus planes para siempre.
Y justo cuando todo se cumple exactamente como lo había soñado, se dará cuenta de que el destino es irónico y caprichoso y que a veces, cuando los deseos se cumplen, no se es tan feliz como esperábamos, sobre todo si mientras tanto esos deseos han cambiado, trastornados por un huracán alto y rubio difícil de ignorar…


 Che Dio me la mandi buona... by Manuela Pigna
Rating: ★★★★☆
ISBN 9781512037630
Pagine 342
Prezzo € 10.39 brossura
€ 0.99 ebook
Uscita 09 dicembre 2013
Acquista |
MondadoriStore |
Recensioni Anobii | Goodreads

Viola sta finendo l’università finalmente, è pronta per buttarsi con entusiasmo nel mondo del lavoro, ma, ahimè, il mondo del lavoro non sembra altrettanto entusiasta…
Non resta che perseverare e perseverare per ottenere uno straccio di stipendio fisso, confidare nelle amiche di fronte ad ettolitri di birra e usare grandi dosi di ironia quando qualcosa va storto, quindi tutti i giorni. Ma soprattutto non resta che alzare lo sguardo e augurarsi che, una volta tanto, Quel Qualcuno la mandi buona…
“L’ho visto passare almeno tre volte, ci penso un giorno sì e uno no… Basta lasciarmi vivere. Sarà la media che ho appena finito a parlare, ma basta lasciarmi vivere!
Sorride, flirta, scherza, ma non mi chiede di uscire? Ok. Lo farò io. Siamo o non siamo nel ventunesimo secolo, per l’amor del cielo?
Lo trovo dove pensavo, nello spiazzetto di fronte al locale che fuma una sigaretta con gli altri due ragazzi.
Deglutisco. Ecco, guardandolo così… In mezzo ad altre persone… Devo ammettere che un po’ della determinazione scompare, ma non devo cedere. Non. Devo. Cedere.

Che Dio me la mandi buona... by Manuela Pigna

Edizione paperback

In fondo cosa può accadere di male? Che si metta a ridere sgomitando coi suoi amici e facendomi fare una figuraccia colossale?
Forse mi sono fatta una domanda che non dovevo farmi.”